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Monthly Archives: November 2008

Beating the Family Holiday Blues

People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway. ~ Mother Teresa Five ways to beat the family holiday blues: 1. Ask about what you want to know. What’s it like having a second husband? How did you survive the war? Why does Aunt Mabel dislike you so much? Who was your first love? Can […]

Personal Symbology and Intuition

“One of the first steps in developing intuition is to learn your own symbolic language. With practice you’ll learn that certain symbols or impressions are, for you, highly reliable signs of certain things.” ~ Laura Day, Practical Intuition In Hawaii, when I was seven, I found a dollar bill on the sidewalk not far from […]

Looking Up

A college friend of mine would walk along nature trails or city streets with his head tipped back, discovering. He’d say, “Up is a neglected direction.” He may have looked silly, and tripped now and then, but he discovered things up there, with his altered perspective, that wowed us both, and I became a convert. […]

How to Stop Time

Tell people you’re really busy, then close the door and putter contentedly. Play with a dog. Don’t look at clocks. Lean back on pillows in a boat on a calm lake. Turn off all buzzing, beeping, ringing things. Float down a slow river in an inner tube with pals, passing the snacks back and forth. […]

Talent Development Resources

Douglas Eby’s superlative network of Websites, Talent Development Resources is extensive (more than 600 pages) to the point of eye-bugging awe. And we’re in luck, because Eby’s interests include highly sensitive people (HSPs). “Talent Development Resources has grown out of my interests and research in creativity, personal development and positive psychology, and an appreciation of […]

Book | How to Live With an Idiot

At the library recently, while browsing the stacks, my eyes were drawn to the red spine of a book whose title made be laugh out loud: How To Live With An Idiot, by Dr. John Hoover. I yanked it out and saw the subtitle: Clueless Creatures and the People Who Love Them. Because I am […]

Personal Space

Personal space tends to take on greater weight for those of us who are extra sensitive to subtleties. Riding a crowded city bus or subway becomes an olfactory adventure as well as a challenge to the defence of personal space. But there is more to the equation than being highly sensitive. There are deep cultural […]

Hero Practice

“In the process of becoming complete, integrated human beings, we are all Heroes facing internal guardians, monsters, and helpers.” ~ Christopher Vogler The best time to tackle limitations that thwart yearned-for dreams is now. We know what they are, the monsters that suck our energy and drain the light from the day. We’ve lived with […]