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Laughing in Our Human Suits

Do you have to be so picky about the lights / music / temperature? Cripes! My human suit is so finely calibrated, ain’t it? And itchy, too. Well, tough noogies. We’re both stuck with it until I reunite with the mother ship. * * * Sometimes HSP seems to stand for highly serious person. Where […]

Funny Practice

“What did the waiter say when the couple … no, wait, that’s not it. Sorry. … A couple sits down at a table in a restaurant and orders the daily special. When the waiter asks … Oh, rats! Just hang on. How did that go?” I’m a big fan of funny. Who’s not? Laughter heals, […]

Books | Tim Moore’s Travel Writing

British writer Tim Moore has charmed me thoroughly. He writes irreverent, utterly hilarious travel memoirs with the twist that he’s frequently and unabashedly incompetent at what he sets out to do. My favourite Tim Moore adventure is told in French Revolutions, in which he hoists his unfit body onto a recently purchased bicycle and sets […]

Out-of-Context Quote Book

“It’s like being trapped in an elevator with my own music.” “He’s been a pawn in my little recovery game.” “Everything’s very in-between the trapezes right now.” “Is dog hair your sole medium?” Pluck them from the conversation that gives them contextual meaning and some phrases can go on to live long, meaningful lives on […]